Pope on education

The Pope's Message for the World Day of Peace (1 Jan.) this yr is titled "Educating Young People inward Justice together with Peace", together with department iii inward item contains to a greater extent than or less luminous passages summarizing the Pope's telephone commutation message to the modern world. For example:
"Man is a beingness who bears inside his middle a thirst for the infinite, a thirst for truth – a truth which is non partial simply capable of explaining life’s important – since he was created inward the icon together with likeness of God. The grateful recognition that life is an inestimable gift, then, leads to the uncovering of one’s ain profound dignity together with the inviolability of every unmarried person.... Only inward relation to God does human come upwards to sympathise too the important of human freedom. It is the trace of piece of occupation of instruction to shape people inward authentic freedom. This is non the absence of constraint or the supremacy of gratuitous will, it is non the absolutism of the self. When human believes himself to endure absolute, to depend on zippo together with no one, to endure able to produce anything he wants, he ends upwards contradicting the truth of his ain beingness together with forfeiting his freedom. On the contrary, human is a relational being, who lives inward human relationship amongst others together with peculiarly amongst God. Authentic liberty tin never endure attained independently of God."
The Message too contains a link to another text from 2005 where Pope Benedict summarizes the "theology of the body" together with of the family. Both are worth reading inward full.

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