Why Chesterton?

Part of my recent interview alongside Maica Rivera concerned the G.K. Chesterton Library, which used to hold upward looked after yesteryear the Centre for Faith & Culture. The next is slightly edited.

Q: What is the most of import book/collection inward the Chesterton Library at the Center for Faith & Culture inward Oxford?

A: The Chesterton Library is no longer a purpose of the Center for Faith & Culture. It is owned yesteryear an independent charitable trust in addition to located at the Oxford Oratory. The details are online here. Among the of import books inward the collection are many kickoff editions, also many books inscribed yesteryear Chesterton himself (not merely alongside signatures, but alongside drawings in addition to comments).

Q: What is your favourite Chesterton book? Why?

A: It is difficult to refer a favourite, but peradventure I should say The Catholic Church in addition to Conversion, because it reflects in addition to hence accurately my ain sense of becoming a Catholic. Or Orthodoxy, which is also nearly conversion, but contains a much to a greater extent than detailed declaration in addition to many famous passages. That is undoubtedly i of the greatest books of the 20th century.

Q: How tin Chesterton's books affect our lives inward the 21st century?

A: Chesterton understood many of the problems that afflict our culture, for event consumerism in addition to the loss of a sense of pregnant inward modern life. He wrote: “People are inundated, blinded, deafened, in addition to mentally paralysed yesteryear a alluvion of vulgar in addition to tasteless externals, leaving them no fourth dimension for leisure, thought, or creation from inside themselves.” He wrote perceptively nearly these problems of modernity, in addition to his arguments in addition to insights are completely relevant to us now. He was a bang-up influence on Marshall McLuhan, Ivan Illich, in addition to Jorge Luis Borges. Pope Francis seems to hold upward a fan. And novel books nearly Chesterton teach out along to appear. For example, Chesterton, London in addition to Modernity. Also, an mass called Chesterton in addition to the Jews yesteryear Ann Farmer volition appear afterward this year, based on of import novel research. Ann has an article on her site that volition give you lot an thought of what she says.

Q: Can a non-Catholic reader actually bask in addition to sympathize Chesterton´s work?

A: Certainly! He wrote for everyone, in addition to many of his friends were non-Christians or fifty-fifty anti-Christians – witness his debates alongside George Bernard Shaw. He loved argument, in addition to he wrote inward a agency that anyone tin understand. He did non assume that his readers were Christian.

For farther data in addition to links see the G.K. Chesterton Library site.

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